Migration runners
We have three migration runners you can choose from.
Please use the in-process runner if possible.
This is an example of using the in-process migration runner:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using FluentMigrator.Runner;
using FluentMigrator.Runner.Initialization;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
namespace test
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var serviceProvider = CreateServices())
using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
// Put the database update into a scope to ensure
// that all resources will be disposed.
/// <summary>
/// Configure the dependency injection services
/// </summary>
private static ServiceProvider CreateServices()
return new ServiceCollection()
// Add common FluentMigrator services
.ConfigureRunner(rb => rb
// Add SQLite support to FluentMigrator
// Set the connection string
.WithGlobalConnectionString("Data Source=test.db")
// Define the assembly containing the migrations
// Enable logging to console in the FluentMigrator way
.AddLogging(lb => lb.AddFluentMigratorConsole())
// Build the service provider
/// <summary>
/// Update the database
/// </summary>
private static void UpdateDatabase(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
// Instantiate the runner
var runner = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();
// Execute the migrations
(FluentMigrator.Console package)
This is a console tool that works also with the .NET Framework outside of the .NET Core ecosystem.
Install the package with:
Install-Package FluentMigrator.Console
Now, you can find the tool in the path FluentMigrator[package-version]/tools/<target-framework>/[optional-platform/]Migrate.exe
The package-version
is only part of the path when the tool was installed using the Visual Studio package manager console.
Choose the correct target-framework
. Otherwise, the tool might not be able to load your assembly.
target-framework |
platform | optional-platform exists? |
path |
net40 |
x86 |
yes | tools/net40/x86/Migrate.exe |
net40 |
x64 |
yes | tools/net40/x64/Migrate.exe |
net40 |
AnyCPU |
no | tools/net40/Migrate.exe |
net45 |
x86 |
yes | tools/net45/x86/Migrate.exe |
net45 |
x64 |
yes | tools/net45/x64/Migrate.exe |
net45 |
AnyCPU |
no | tools/net45/Migrate.exe |
net452 |
x86 |
yes | tools/net452/x86/Migrate.exe |
net452 |
x64 |
yes | tools/net452/x64/Migrate.exe |
net452 |
AnyCPU |
yes | tools/net452/any/Migrate.exe |
On non-Windows platforms, you have to install/use mono.
dotnet fm
(FluentMigrator.DotNet.Cli tool)
You need at least the .NET Core 2.1 preview 2 SDK for this tool.
Install the dotnet-fm
dotnet tool install -g FluentMigrator.DotNet.Cli
Execute the migration:
dotnet fm migrate -p sqlite -c "Data Source=test.db" -a ".\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\test.dll"
You probably have to replace netcoreapp2.1
with the correct target framework. You can find it in the csproj
file, XML element TargetFramework